3D Modeling

Most of these were modeled in Maya, with texture work done in Photoshop and rendered out in Blender or 3ds MAX

Original Series Phaser Assault Phaser Redone Vulcan The Black Sword, Ultima 7 Lindis' Rapier Inland Speakers Model Display Mockup
Display Mockup

This is a display booth/information kiosk mockup made as an exercise in installation design. The shapes were all modeled in Maya, with minor texturing work done in Photoshop.

Lindis' Rapier

This is a rapier model I made in Maya 2010, which was then rendered in Blender 2.49b.

Black Sword

A 3D rendition of the Black Sword fromt Ultima 7: The Forge of Virtue. The model was made in Maya 2010 using the box art of the game as reference. The textures were made in Photoshop, utilizing the Genetica Viewer.

Assault Phaser

This is a complete remake of the Assault Phaser seen on my Coroflot portfolio.
The new model was made from scratch in 3ds MAX, using reference, while the textures were done in Photoshop.
The model is currently on sale at Turbosquid.

Original Series Phaser

This is a 3d rendition of the classic phaser from the original Star Trek TV series.
The model was made from scratch in 3ds MAX, using reference, while the textures were done in Photoshop.
The model is currently on sale at Turbosquid.


This is a looping showcase video of my speakers, rendered in 3d. The model was made in Maya 2010.